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Fact of the Fortnight 6/4/20: The State of the Budget (California)

Did you know? The state budget that was proposed by Governor Newsom is only a proposed budget. That budget will be completely revised by the state legislature and then enter a back-and-forth phase with the Governor. While the budget will not be kind to education no matter what version gets passed, we will not know the full outcome for Palomar College until early August.

Facts (Provided by CFT):

The Governor's Proposed Budget

The cuts affecting community colleges include the cuts to Proposition 98 and the elimination of the 2.31% COLA. Proposed reductions to ongoing funding for community colleges total $1.1 billion:

Student-Centered Funding Formula (SCFF) funding is cut by $593 million (roughly 10%), and the Governor proposes amending statute to proportionally reduce district allocations through adjustments to the formula's rates, stability provisions, and hold harmless provisions.

-$167.7 million from the suspension of the COLA in ongoing Proposition 98 funding.

-$31.9 million from enrollment growth funding.

-$128.9 million from the Strong Workforce Program.

-$68.8 million from the Student Equity and Achievement Program.

-$7.3 million for part-time faculty compensation and office hours.

The State Senate's Proposed Budget

-$167.6 million from the suspension of the COLA.

Funds the California Community Colleges (CCC) Student Centered Funding Formula, include a 2.31% cost-of-living adjustment for the program.

Redirects $77 million from Calbright to fund community college apportionments.

No reduction in Strong Workforce or Student Equity and Achievement.

No reduction for part-time office hours.

Defers payment of several programs based on availability of Federal Funds.

The Assembly Budget

This is not yet out, and is likely to be different as well.

Bottom line: There is a lot of uncertainty. Your faculty Union stays on top of the latest information and negotiates with the knowledge that we are in a volatile and constantly changing situation. You can help guide the state's budget priorities by being a PFF member, as we are by extension members of CFT who advocate for community colleges on the state level. To join, click here. To check your membership status, email

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