How much are dues?
Dues are 1.4% of gross pay. That works out to a $1.40 per $100.
When are dues collected?
Dues are collected whenever you receive a paycheck from the District. No paycheck; no dues.
What do my dues pay for?
Dues pay for the ongoing work PFF does to defend faculty working conditions and student learning conditions. They pay for work the Union does to represent faculty in meetings with supervisors, work done at the Negotiations table, work our legal counsel does to explore and explain concerns for the benefit of faculty, and other projects funded to benefit faculty working conditions and student learning conditions. A portion of dues goes to our COPE to fund non-partisan campaigns to elect Governing Board members who share PFF and Palomar College values. As well, a portion of member dues are passed on to CFT and AFT who advocate for legislation of benefit to educators and students across the state and country. As well, dues pay for member access to CFT and AFT member benefits--certain insurances, discounts, etc. (Learn more here.)
Can I ask that my dues not be used for political purposes?
You can certainly opt out of your money being used for COPE expenses (though that work is mostly focused on our non-partisan Governing Board races). We're required to pay dues to CFT and AFT for members to access CFT and AFT benefits, so those cannot be opted out of.