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May 23, 2024

Negotiations Update

At today’s meeting, we spent the bulk of our time discussing options for calendar revisions for Spring 2025 to attempt to effectively address the insufficient Mondays issue. PFF’s team shared the feedback received from faculty as we attempted to figure out a solution that would be preferable for most people. Discussion will need to continue, so we scheduled another meeting for tomorrow morning (5/24/24).


We shared the results of our ratification vote on the 2023/24 CBA reopeners—99.4% voted to ratify the reopeners. Thus, the TAed articles and appendices will be on the Governing Board agenda in June. Thank you to all of our members who voted! We are excited to be able to implement the negotiated changes and improvements.


We signed two MOUs:

  • Providing reassigned time for a pilot program for EME lead paramedic instructor

  • Providing compensation for a faculty lead via an Indian Health Council NARCH grant


Upcoming MOUs to be discussed at the next possible meeting:

  • CRPP faculty stipends

  • AB 1705 faculty lead reassigned time


Upcoming discussion items that we didn’t get to this time:

  • Setting our summer negotiations meeting schedule

  • Attempting to resolve an ongoing faculty step placement issue

  • Strong Workforce Faculty Institute

  • Faculty Service Pins

  • Military Leadership workload re: PD

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