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Fact of the Fortnight, 7/30/20: AS 101 for Palomar Employees

Did You Know?

● There is a special employees-only section of Africana Studies (AS 101- African American History, section 73675) being offered this fall at Palomar!


● Taught by Dr. Martin Japtok and Dr. Rafiki Jenkins, this 3-unit, asynchronous, online class will help faculty and staff understand the roots of systemic racism in the United States.

● Information learned in this course will give you tools to help better serve all of Palomar’s students, as well as a framework for critically understanding current events and undertaking anti-racism work in your own life.

● Only employees will be enrolled in the class, making this a great opportunity to connect with colleagues during this time when we are physically separated.

● Taking a Palomar class as a student can help improve your own teaching. Being in a student role can provide an important perspective that can help you adjust your own classes to better serve your students.

● Faculty can take the class as students for either a grade or P/NP, or audit the course.

○ Full-time faculty can apply to have this course count towards salary scale advancement. If you are interested in this option, please see Article of the contract, and submit the pre-filled application (available on the course PD website- see below) to Richard Loucks by 8/17/20.

○ We are working on getting clarity on whether part-time faculty can apply for credit as well- we will let you know as soon as we know this.

PFF will provide the textbook for the class FREE to any PFF member who enrolls in the course. We will provide free loaner copies with the option to purchase for an extremely discounted rate. PFF members who enroll in the course will be contacted by PFF before the class starts to arrange getting you the textbook.

Bottom Line:

● We encourage you to enroll ASAP if you are interested in this course.

● PFF is excited about this opportunity to learn about this important topic together!

● Please visit for more details about the class, a video introduction to the course from Rafiki and Martin, necessary steps to enroll, and prefilled Salary Credit Applications, audit forms, and more.

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