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Fact of the Week: 4/9/20 - Welcome to Zoom University

As You Know: Working from home presents all sorts of challenges, and teaching from home presents yet another level of challenges! This week, PFF departs from our usual Fact-of-the-Week template to go a little lighter. May of us are struggling with the transition from face-to-face to online teaching, but we are so impressed with the dedication and creativity of our awesome faculty during this time and we want to help in any way possible.


Zoom is convenient but not very secure. Some of the pitfalls of Zoom, and an FBI warning, can be found in this NPR article.

PFF has volunteers who can help you with any resources you might need. Please let us know if there is some way we can support you this semester.

Working from home can be stressful because there are few boundaries, so build in breaks and allow downtime!

Our situation may be tough, but as McSweeney illustrates, we are not alone!

Bottom Line: There is no sugar coating: this situation is terrible. We, as your Union, value you tremendously. We will survive!


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