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Fact of the Week 5/14/20: Faculty Rights in Re-organization

Did you know?

In the middle of the confusion relating to the global pandemic, on April 14, 2020, acting VPI Sivert informed the Chair of the English Department (Kelber) of the District's plans for the dissolution of the Reading Services Department and the Administrative Transfer of two full-time faculty members, establishing Reading as a discipline in the English Department. This was done without prior consultation with the English Department.


BP3100: Organizational Structure is being used as the pretext for this unilateral reorganization. The English Department asks that the District focus on shared governance and authentic collegiality.

The English Department refers the District to Article 7 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, which conveys District Rights as well as the conditions under which those rights are limited by the Contract.

The District should acknowledge that Article 20.2.3 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement was not observed in the planning for these District actions. Specifically, the English Department was not consulted in the planning and therefore condemns the District's significant disregard of the Contract.

In addition, the English Department cites the State Academic Senate's Resolution 01.06, "Department Organization" which reiterates the need for collegial decision making and review of appropriate faculty bodies.

The lack of comprehensive, inclusive planning does not reflect well on our college as we prepare for Accreditation.

Bottom Line: The concerns of the English Department should act as a cautionary tale to all who might be vulnerable in departments and programs where reorganization will almost certainly continue. We ask the District, and anyone else aware of possible reorganizations, to inform both PFF and the Faculty Senate immediately.

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