Did you Know? The law limits the items that the Union can negotiate. Many areas of faculty concern are not negotiable, but the Union can still play an important advocacy role in some of those. There are a few items that are simply not within our domain.
These items are negotiated (though there may be Ed Code and other laws that must be followed):
Health care benefits
Working conditions
Class maximums
Evaluation processes
The Union has influence through faculty strength and advocacy in these areas:
Shared governance
Campus climate
The Union cannot negotiate or directly influence these areas, either by law or because they belong with Faculty Senate or other campus groups:
CalSTRS Benefits and contributions
Healthcare for current retirees
Department bylaws
Academic standards
Accreditation standards
Bottom line: There is an old Union saying that “If you are not at the table, you are on the menu.” PFF will always be at the table when negotiated items are involved. We will also use our strength in numbers to push for better working conditions and student learning conditions in those areas that aren’t directly negotiated. You can help increase faculty strength by being a PFF member or becoming more active in the Union. We are stronger together and must stay united! To join, click here. To check your membership status, email palomarfacfed@gmail.com.