Summer Update - July 31st
Hope your summer is going well!
In July, we were able to meet twice to continue our negotiations—once for contract negotiations and once for class caps. We also met with the District on two other occasions to collaborate on other faculty concerns.
We continued to advocate for an increase to the amount of reassigned time for our Curriculum Co-Chair to offset the increased workload caused by AB-928, AB-1111, and changes to Title 5. The District has since agreed to this request and we hope to sign the MOU at our next meeting.
We have had back and forth counters with the District to reach an agreement on the amount of reassigned time for AB 1705 coordinators in English, ESL, and Math, as well as the relevant workload. We hope to have a signed MOU by our first meeting in August.
Presented an MOU to close out our final full department class caps negotiations!
Discussion and additional support
Collaborated with HR on next steps for vocational faculty to advance on the salary schedule per new contract language
Collaborated with the physics department on the effects of ISS vacancies on faculty workload
Discussed proportional adjustments to part-time office hours in light of increases to the state’s reimbursement under the Part-Time Faculty Office Hours Program Fund
Next two Negotiations Meeting: Friday, August 9th and Tuesday, August 20th
Next Class Caps Meeting: Friday, September 6th