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One Way to Shape Your Union


Have you been looking for a way to get involved in the union? Help decide the direction your union will take? Be involved in decisions that will directly affect the working conditions of faculty and the learning conditions of your students?

Your union, the Palomar Faculty Federation, currently has two open Executive Board seats that need to be filled by members. At this point the current Executive Board may simply appoint a member to the seat (in other words, we will not run an election). The open seats are:

  1. a Part-Time faculty member position until May, 2019

  2. an At-Large position (either a Part-Time or Full-Time member) until May, 2019

To qualify, you must be a member of PFF and be able to attend most of the meetings. Those are held from 4:00-6:00pm on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month when school is in session. The majority of the meetings are on the main campus in AA 140, and we are looking at scheduling a few at the other centers.

For more information, you can reply here or contact one or both Co-Presidents directly (Teresa Laughlin, or Barbara Baer,

In solidarity,

Palomar Faculty Federation

Faculty Working Conditions are Student Learning Conditions

Office Hours in MD-330 for Fall Semester, 2018 Mon 9:30a-3p

Tues 9:30a-3p & 4-5p

Wed 9:30a-1p

Thur 9:30a-3p

Fri 11a-1p

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