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PFF Negotiations Update

Hello fellow faculty!

As the semester draws to a close, we wanted to provide a Negotiations Update- a status report on the negotiations for the 2018/19 contract.

We began the process of negotiating the 2018/19 contract in April, soon after completing the vote on the 2017/18 contract. Since the process started nearly immediately after the last contract round, it is shaping up to be a much faster process, and we have continued to be impressed with the tone, pace, responsiveness, and communication of negotiations with the District with the current District Negotiations Team, led by VP of HRS, Dr. Lisa Norman. We have met several times, and have already TA’ed (tentatively agreed) on several article and signed several MOU’s. All TA’s and MOU’s are available to view on the PFF website at:

2018/19 CONTRACT:


· Minor changes to dates and other slight language changes to Article 1, Article 4, Article 23

· Removal of Appendix H- the part-time office hours form will be housed on the HRS website rather than in the contract, eliminating the need to redo that part of the contract every time the form changes.

· Slight language clarification in Article indicating that improvement plans will be provided to part-time faculty on the preferential consideration list who receives an overall Needs Improvement on their evaluation.

· Shifting responsibility for verifying service points for use of banked leave to the Deans instead of the PD office

Currently on the table/under discussion:

· Article 6- ensuring PFF representation for faculty at the new NEC and SEC, as well as Escondido

· Article 8- working to adjust cancellation windows for classes in the teens

· Article 16- improving access to benefits for part-time faculty, and requesting that emeritus faculty be able to audit/take classes at Palomar in retirement

· Article 20- clarifying language and logistics related to the PT prioritization process that will take effect for Fall 19 scheduling, including deadlines for responses, responsibility of designating disciplines, and other logistical changes. Ensuring that retired faculty are able to be offered a class if they are interested in teaching in retirement. Ensuring that the District does not monitor faculty whereabouts or hours using any technology related to safety (cameras, license plate readers, etc.)

Still to come:

· Article 15: working to increase compensation!

· Appendix F: cleaning up this appendix to reflect current and new practice, and working for more equitable release time for certain positions

· Appendix L: fixing a few dates, including language related to evaluations for ECELS NOHE employees

As always, our goal is to protect our amazing benefits, faculty oversight, and strong processes, and to increase equity among part-time and full-time faculty. We are constantly pushing back when we see money being used in questionable ways, and we are committed to protecting and enforcing our collective bargaining agreement!

Please keep your eyes out for emails/updates related to the 2018/19 contract, as we will be continuously working throughout the summer and will hopefully be able to call for a vote on the contract this summer. All PFF members will be able to vote on the contract.

The 2017/18 contract is official, even though we do not have printed copies yet. Due to HR staffing issues, the clean copy ready for print is just getting finalized, and we will be running a small print run of hard-copy contracts. We will make sure each department and relevant office gets one copy, and we will have a few available for individuals who need a hard-copy, keeping in mind that we will be finishing up the 2018/19 contract before too long. The full 2017/18 contract should be available on the PFF website by next week once we get the final scanned signature page!

We would also like to thank Colleen Bixler for her unflagging devotion to Palomar- first as a longtime full-time faculty member, then in retirement as a part-time faculty member. Most recently, she has spent the past few years as Part-time Co-President of the PFF, Grievance Officer, and a member of the Negotiations Team. Yesterday’s Negotiations meeting was Colleen’s last official duty at Palomar, as she is retiring for the second time to travel and spend time with her growing family. Colleen’s advocacy for part-time faculty over the past few years has been exceptional, and her expertise, institutional memory, intelligence, and great attitude will be missed at the table! We are keeping the Negotiations Team to 4 members: 2 part-time and 2 full-time faculty. Nicole Siminski from ESL will be joining the Negotiations Team this summer, taking Colleen’s place at the table, and working with Barbara Baer to represent the PT faculty in the negotiations process. Welcome Nicole!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Lead Negotiator, Jenny Fererro at

In unity,

Your Negotiations Team: Barbara Baer, Colleen Bixler, Jenny Fererro, Teresa Laughlin, Nicole Siminski

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