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March 22, 2023

Today, we met with the District to continue our 2022-25 CBA negotiations. In today’s meeting, we engaged in productive discussion on a number of topics:

A courtesy heads-up for the District on our upcoming counter for Article 17 (Evaluation Procedure) and proposal for Article 15 (Compensation).

Confirmation that we are on the same page with the District on when PT faculty can receive service pins.

BP 3570- Smoking and/or Other Tobacco Use. The current language in the CBA in Article 20.15 states that violations of BP 3570 cannot be used for evaluations or disciplinary purposes. The District has received guidance that violations of District policies are not mandatory subjects of bargaining and that language outside of that scope does not have to be included in negotiations once contracts expire. We anticipate that the District will propose deletion or changes to this language in their upcoming proposal for Article 20.

Clarification on the Pathways Mapper position that was compensated via an MOU signed on 5/27/22. This MOU did not cover ongoing compensation for this position. We have contacted the Faculty Senate for more information to determine whether another MOU is necessary for this work.

The HEERF funding covering the Cleared4 app is not ongoing and the District subscription with Cleared4 will not be renewed when it expires in June. There will be communication from the District coming to all employees and students about the future discontinuation of this process.

We signed two MOUs:

Clarifying that eligibility for benefits outlined in the CBA (ex: sabbatical leave, step increases, etc.) is not interrupted by taking an interim position within the District. (MOU)

Ensuring that a faculty member is moved to an appropriate position in the probationary process.

We presented our second counterproposal for Appendix H (Faculty Coaching Compensation). This counterproposal reiterated the need for reassigned time for our head coaches in the non-traditional season. We are hopeful that the District will see our position and meet us with an agreeable counterproposal at our next meeting.

At our next meeting on April 12, we expect to present our counterproposal for Article 17 and our combined proposal for Article 15 and Appendix F (Faculty Reassigned Time and Stipends). We expect the District’s response to our Appendix H counterproposal and their proposal for Article 20 (Working Conditions).

We are VERY close to closing the three-year CBA…once we have TAed on all articles and appendices, we will put the contract to a vote of PFF membership. Remember- one of the (many) benefits of being a member of PFF is that you get to have a say in our contract! If you would like to be able to vote on the ratification of our 2022-25 CBA (which will have a huge impact on your work over the next few years!), please make sure to join PFF today.

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